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Aston, Erdington, Saltley & Sutton Schools' Football Association



(General Rules)

Aston, Erdington and Saltley S.F.A.

1) Title Secondary Football Section known as Aston, Erdington  Saltley & Sutton S.F.A

2) Object To promote and govern the game of Association football within the schools in its area according to the laws of the Football Association

3) Membership Schools affiliated to the Aston, Erdington  Saltley & Sutton Schools Football Association

4) Subscription Affiliation fee to the E.S.S.F.A

5) Affiliation The association shall be affiliated to the E.S.F.A, W.M.M.C.S.F.A

6) Annual General Meeting

i) Each school shall be entitled to send two representatives to an Annual General Meeting. If no representative is present, entry to all leagues and cups will not be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances. No A.G.M. may be held unless at least seven schools are represented. Notice of an A.G.M. shall be circulated at least twenty one days before the date of the meeting which shall be held during the summer term. Alterations to rules may only be made at the A.G.M. Schools are allowed to raise matters at the A.G.M. Decisions made at the said A.G.M. will be adhered to by all schools within the Association.

ii) All entries and fees for all competitions shall be submitted prior to the A.G.M.

A special A.G.M. shall be called by the secretary on the instruction of the Executive Committee, or on a requisition signed by the representatives of at least five schools setting out the reason for which such a meeting is called. The same rules shall apply to a general meeting as do those for an A.G.M.

7) Committees The section shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of elected Officers. The quorum for which shall be five. The Executive Committee must report the reason for its decision to the next A.G.M. if requested to do so.

There shall be selection committees each responsible for their own age group and eventually responsible to the Executive Committee. Selection Committees shall select players and substitutes for all matches and team managers shall be in sole charge during a match.

8) Officers The officers shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Aston Secretary, Erdingtion Secretary  Treasurer, Referees Secretary,  Team Managers, Child Welfare Officer together with delegates to W.M.M.C.S.F.A.and BSSF. All officers and committee members shall be elected annually at the A.G.M.

9) Executive Committee This shall consist of the Officers . In the event of duties being combined, the number may be made up by election of co-option.

10) U. 19 Selection Committee This shall consist of Chairman,General Secretary, Aston Secretary, Erdingtion Secretary   and Team Manager

11) U. 16 Selection Committee This shall consist of Chairman, General Secretary, Aston Secretary, Erdingtion Secretary  , and Team Manager

12) U. 15 Selection Committee This shall consist of Chairman, General Secretary, Aston Secretary, Erdingtion Secretary  , and Team Manager

13) U. 14 Selection Committee This shall consist of Chairman, All Secretaries,and Team Manager

14) U. 13 Selection Committee This shall consist of Chairman, All Secretaries,, Team Manager

15) U. 12 Selection Committee Shall consist of Chairman, General Secretary, Aston Secretary, Erdingtion Secretary,, and Team Manager

16) Team Selection The section shall run and organise such representative teams as they think fit, together with various league and knock-out competitions, the rules of which shall be approved annually at the A.G.M.

17) Precedence of matches The order or precedence shall be (1) E.S.F.A (2) W.M.M.C.S.F.A. (3) B.S.S. F. Football Section (4) Association Knock-out (5) Association league.

In the event of a school team having two or more players on representative duty it shall have the right to postpone a league of a cup fixture, provided three days’ notice is given to their opponents, except in an emergency.

18) Misconduct

 Any misconduct by a player or official shall be reported in writing to the Executive Committee. The Committee shall invite those concerned to present their case in person of if they prefer in writing. The Committee’s decision shall be sent in writing to those it concerns.

19) Cups and Trophies Cups and trophies shall be presented to the winners of the Association leagues and Association knock-outs and shall remain the property of the Association. On receiving a cup or trophy the school shall sign a form of acceptance, and shall return the cup or trophy to the fixture Secretary by the first day of February of the following year.

20) Equipment and Kit All equipment and kit shall be the responsibility of the Secretary and must be returned to him immediately after use.

The secretary will keep and up to date inventory of all equipment and kit owned by the Association.

21) Results The forwarding of results shall be the responsibility of both schools involved. The results should be either put onto the web site or sent to the Section Secretary/ General Secretary  on a regular basis. Failure to do so may lead to exclusion by the Executive from taking part in the leagues and cups for the rest of the season.


The English Schools’ FA is consciously aware of the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for the thousands of young people who play soccer within the family of ESFA.

The English Schools’ FA has consistently sought advice from The Football Association’s Equity Department, and these discussions and the requirements laid down by The FA have formed the basis of the policy that has been developed over a number of years.

To view the policy document go to www.esfa.co.uk/childwelfare


Content ©2007-2025 Aston, Erdington, Saltley & Sutton Schools' Football Association