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Birmingham Schools Sports Federation Football Section





Birmingham Secondary Senior  Football  known as the Birmingham Schools Sports Federation Senior Football Section.


To promote and govern the game of Association football within the schools in the City of Birmingham to the laws of the football association.


Schools affiliated to Aston, Erdington & Saltley S.F.A., Kings Norton & South Birmingham S.F.A., Birmingham S.F.A., and Solihull S.F.A.


Competition entry fees to the B.S.S.F. Football Section agreed annually.


The Association shall be affiliated to the West Midlands Metropolitan County Schools FA .& English Schools F.A.


Each Association shall be entitled to send one or more representatives to an Annual General Meeting. No A.G.M. may be held unless at least three out of the four associations are represented. Notice of an A.G.M. shall be circulated to each of the association secretaries at least twenty-one days before the date of the meeting that shall be held during the summer term. Alterations to rules may only be made at the A.G.M. Decisions made at the said A.G.M. will be adhered to by all schools within its's membership. A simple majority of votes cast at an A.G.M. shall suffice to carry any proposal.  In the case of equality of votes the chairperson of the meeting shall have a second and casting vote. Executive committee members and two representatives from each association shall be entitled to vote.

All entries and fees for all competitions where applicable  shall be submitted prior to the A.G.M.

A special A.G.M. shall be called by the secretary on the instruction of the Executive Committee, or on a requisition signed by the representatives of at least five schools setting out the reason for which such a meeting is called. The same rules shall apply to a general meeting, as do those for an A.G.M.

The business of the meeting shall be:-

  • Apologies for absence
  • Minutes of the previous A.G.M.
  • Matters arising from the minutes
  • Correspondence
  • Report of the Secretary
  • Reports of the Final Co-ordinators
  • Reports of Local Associations
  • Report of Hon. Treasurer
  • Alteration to constitution, rules, or any other motions
  • Election of Officers
  • Any other business, at the Chairman’s discretion


All cheques issued shall be signed by two of the authorised signatories as approved by the Executive Committee. A balance sheet shall be audited and submitted to the A.G.M. by the Treasurer.


The section shall be governed by an Executive Committee, consisting of elected officers, the quorum for which shall be four. The Executive Committee must report the reason for its decisions to the next A.G.M. if requested to do so . In the event of the section running representative teams, selection committees comprising of three Executive Committee members shall be in sole charge during a match.


The officers shall be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, the Secretaries of  Kings Norton & South Birmingham S.F.A., Birmingham S.F.A., Solihull S.F.A. & Aston, Erdington & Saltley S.F.A. and the five final co-ordinators.


This shall consist of the Officers. In the event of duties being combined, the number may be made up by election or co-option.


The section shall run and organise such representative teams as they think fit together with knock out cup competitions, the rules of which shall be approved annually at the A.G.M.


The order of precedence shall be,

  1. E.S.F.A,
  2. W.M.M.C.S.F.A.
  3. B.S.S.F.
  4. Association’s cups
  5. Association’s leagues


Any misconduct by a player or official shall be reported in writing to the Executive Committee and to the West Midlands  Secretary in charge of discipline.


Cups and trophies shall be presented to the winners and runners up of the association’s knock out cup competitions. The schools shall return the cup or shield to the Secretary by the first day of February of the following year. The schools are responsible for ensuring that their names are inscribed on the cup or trophy.


All equipment and kit shall be the responsibility of the Secretary and must be returned to him after use. An inventory of all equipment /kit owned by the Association should be kept by the Secretary.


The forwarding of results to the Secretary shall be the responsibility of both schools involved in each game. The results should be sent in or put on the web site by the set deadline dates. Failure to do so may lead to exclusion from the competition.


In the event of the dissolution of the Association any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to the constituent Birmingham Associations in membership at the time in direct relation to the said Association’s activities in school’s football.

Birmingham Senior Schools Football Code of Conduct


Players Should


  • Make every attempt to develop their ability, techniques and understanding of tactics
  • Set a positive example to others when representing school or district teams
  • Avoid all gamesmanship and time wasting
  • Never use foul or abusive language
  • Accept success and failure, victory and defeat equally and do not over react when a good is scored
  • Treat all team players, opponents, coaches and officials with respect at all time
  • Develop self control and never deliberately foul or provoke an opponent
  • Accept all decisions of the match officials without protest
  • Learn and follow the laws of the game


Team Managers Should


  • Put the well being and safety of players above all other considerations
  • Display high standards of behaviour and appearance and be a good role model for all the players in your care
  • Take responsibility for your supporters and encourage them to display a sportsman like attitude
  • Guide and encourage the players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
  • Be professional and use acceptable and appropriate language at all times
  • Treat officials with respect and accept all decisions without protest at all times
  • Respect and uphold the Laws of the game and discourage actions and behaviour contrary to the spirit of the laws


Parents and Supporters Should


  • Respect all decisions made by the match officials
  • Avoid coaching players during the game
  • Respect and abide by the managers team selection and decisions
  • Be a good role model by positively supporting teams in every way possible and be generous with praise encouraging all players during games
  • Never use foul, abusive, threatening language towards match officials, team managers or players
  • Never behave in a threatening manner towards match officials, team managers or players
  • Accept victory modestly and defeat graciously



Child Welfare Policy

The English Schools’ FA is consciously aware of the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for the thousands of young people who play soccer within the family of ESFA. The English Schools’ FA has consistently sought advice from The Football Association’s Equity Department, and these discussions and the requirements laid down by The FA have formed the basis of the policy that has been developed over a number of years.

To view the policy document go to www.esfa.co.uk/childwelfare


Content ©2007-2025 Birmingham Schools Sports Federation Football Section