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Solihull Schools' Football Association


Solihull Secondary School’s Football Association

Competition Rules


a)     The President’s Cup U16.

b)    The Joe Mcgorian Cup U15.

c)     The Michael Hinks Memorial Trophy U14

d)    The Springfield Cup U13.

e)     The Dennett Trophy U12.


  • All trophies are the property of the Federation.
  • It is the responsibility of the winning team to have the cup engraved.

  • The Trophies shall be presented to the winning team captains immediately after the final.

  • There are runners-up medals for all competitions.


Sixteen mementos shall be awarded to each school in the final tie.


  • The entire control and management of the competition shall be invested in the committee.

  • The rules of the competitions shall be those of the Football Association except as otherwise stated.

  • All teams must be under sole control of teachers who are members of staff at the school.

  • The winning school staff is responsible for suitable engraving and for the maintenance of the Trophy in good order. Arrangements for display of the Trophy should be agreed by the committee.

  •  It shall be the responsibility of the Head of Physical Education in the school to ensure the return of the Trophy on or before March 1st to the Secretary of the Competition.

5. Disciplinary Procedure

A report on any incident involving the caution or dismissal of a player should be sent to the Hon. Secretary as soon as possible after the match. The Management Committee will decide on the appropriate action to take to discipline the player.


The Trophies shall be offered for annual competition between schools affiliated to the Solihull Associations.


a) Only bona-fide scholars on the role of a school affiliated to the Local Associations, and of the applicable age at midnight between the previous 31st August and 1st September shall be allowed to take part in these competitions.

b) If the Committee has any doubt as to the qualification of any player taking part in these competitions it shall have the power to call upon the school to which he belongs, or for which he played, that he is qualified according to the rules and failing satisfactory proof the offending school will be disqualified from the competition

c) A boy shall not play for more than one school in this competition during any season, except by permission of the Committee.

d) Players can only play for their own year group.


a)     Matches shall be played on the cup-tie principles.

b)    The draws shall be made using the web site facility following the necessary input of data by the secretary.

c)     The Semi-Final shall be played on grounds approved by the Committee.

d)    The Committee shall fix the limit dates by which all ties shall be played. Failure to keep within these limit dates WILL lead to disqualification. All results must be emailed to the secretary or inputted onto the website within the deadline date. Failure to do so could lead to disqualification from the competition.

e)     It is the responsibility of both schools to contact one another to arrange the game at a date mutually accepted well within the limit date.

f)     In the event of the schools not being able to stage the game, they shall advise the secretary of the Trophy at least eight days prior to the last day fixed for the completion of the round.


The Match Officials shall be appointed by the home schools up to semi-final when the Committee shall direct. Their duties shall be in accordance with the laws of the game as sanctioned and enforced by the Football Association.


Duration of matches shall be:

a)     The President’s Cup U16. 40 minutes each way. 2 x 10 extra time, size 5 ball,11v11

b)    The Joe Mcgorian Cup U15. 40 minutes each way. 2 x 10 extra time, size 5 ball,11v11

c)     The Michael Hinks Memorial Trophy U14. 35 minutes each way. 2 x 10 extra time, size 5 ball, 11v11

d)    The Springfield Cup U13. 35 minutes each way. 2 x 10 extra time, size 4bal, 11v 11

e)     The Dennett Trophy U12. 30 minutes each way 35 minutes each way. 2 x 7 extra time, size 4 ball 9 v 9

  • If it is deemed inadvisable to play for the required time matches may be reduced by 5 minutes each way.

  • Postponed, abandoned or drawn matches shall be played or replayed within the limit date. Where schools are not mutually agreed on a date the matches shall be referred to the Secretary.

  • When a re-play match is necessary a result must be obtained in that game.

  • When the final result is a draw, extra time may be played at the discretion of the Competition Secretary. In the event of a draw the Trophy will be shared for six months by each school.


Five substitutes shall be allowed to replace players who, in turn, may return to the field of play as a substitute.


  • All protests shall be lodged with the Secretary, but no objection relative to Ground, Goal Posts, or other appurtenances of the game shall be entertained unless a protest in writing be made to the referee before the commencement of the match.
  • All written protests should be received by the Competition Secretary within three days of the incident concerned. Decisions taken by the Executive Committee following such protests are final.
  • Artificial surfaces (astro turfs) can only be used if both teams are agreeable beforehand.


Where schools have similar colours, the home team shall be entitled to retain their colours and the visiting team shall change to colours which provide a satisfactory contrast.


These rules may be altered only at a General Meeting of the Association in accordance with the principles laid down.

Content ©2007-2025 Solihull Schools' Football Association