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Kings Norton and South Birmingham Schools' Football Association


General Rules

1. Precedence of matches

    1. E.S.F.A
    2. West Midlands SFA Inter-Associations
    3. West Midlands SFA Individual Schools
    4. B.S.S.F Competitions and Villa Cup
    5. KN&SB FA Cup Competitions
    6. KN&SB FA League Games
    7. Friendly Matches

Players must be released for all District matches as and when they occur. Schools will receive early notification of such fixtures in and attempt to avoid and difficulty for pupil, school or district manager.

2. Misconduct

Any misconduct by an individual or team, on or off the filed of play must be reported to  the Honorary Secretary in writing within three days of the incident.

Spectators are the responsibility of the school they attend or the school their son/daughter attends.

3. Trophies

    1. Trophies belonging to the association will be awarded annually to all league and cup winning schools, who must sign for them on receipt.
    1. Trophies should be returned to the Secretary by the Spring half term. Trophy engraving is responsibility of the winning school.

4. Affiliation Fee

Affiliation is an annual charge of £50.00 per school

5. Points System

Points will be awarded as follows; Win – 3, Draw – 1, Defeat – 0

Points are only awarded if the match is played

Rules for Internal Cup Competitions

1. Ties must be played by the limit date. Failure to do so may result in both teams being excluded form the competition. The winning school is responsible for inputting the result into the website within 3 days of the match being played.

2. The home team is responsible for contacting the opponents, arranging venue and match officials in all cup games up to the final. The final will be arranged by the committee.

3. Size of ball and duration of matches will be as for league games. If a tie ends in a draw, extra time of 7½ minutes each way must be played. Should the scores still be level after extra time, the game shall be decided by a penalty shoot-out. Five penalty kicks to be taken alternatively by each team to determine the result. If the scores are still level after this ‘sudden death’ will come into effect, with the first team to miss being eliminated. There are no replays.

4. Extra time will be played in the event of a draw in cup finals, if the scores remain tied. The trophy will be shared.

5. Arrangements for the cup finals will be made by the KN&SB FA Committee. Schools involved will be notified accordingly. Neutral match officials will be provided for all finals. Trophies and medals will be presented to the winners and runners-up immediately after the final.

All problems and queries relating to cup competitions should be referred in the first instance to the secretary

                                       Code Of Conduct

Players Should


  • Make every attempt to develop their ability, techniques and understanding of tactics

  • Set a positive example to others when representing school or district teams

  • Avoid all gamesmanship and time wasting

  • Never use foul or abusive language

  • Accept success and failure, victory and defeat equally and do not over react when a good is scored

  • Treat all team players, opponents, coaches and officials with respect at all time

  • Develop self control and never deliberately foul or provoke an opponent

  • Accept all decisions of the match officials without protest

  • Learn and follow the laws of the game

Team Managers Should
  • Put the well being and safety of players above all other considerations

  • Display high standards of behaviour and appearance and be a good role model for all the players in your care

  • Take responsibility for your supporters and encourage them to display a sportsman like attitude

  • Guide and encourage the players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance

  • Be professional and use acceptable and appropriate language at all times

  • Treat officials with respect and accept all decisions without protest at all times

  • Respect and uphold the Laws of the game and discourage actions and behaviour contrary to the spirit of the laws

Parents and Supporters Should


  • Respect all decisions made by the match officials

  • Avoid coaching players during the game

  • Respect and abide by the managers team selection and decisions

  • Be a good role model by positively supporting teams in every way possible and be generous with praise encouraging all players during games

  • Never use foul, abusive, threatening language towards match officials, team managers or players

  • Never behave in a threatening manner towards match officials, team managers or players

  • Accept victory modestly and defeat graciously

Child Welfare Policy

The English Schools’ FA is consciously aware of the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for the thousands of young people who play soccer within the family of ESFA.

The English Schools’ FA has consistently sought advice from The Football Association’s Equity Department, and these discussions and the requirements laid down by The FA have formed the basis of the policy that has been developed over a number of years.

To view the policy document go to www.esfa.co.uk/childwelfare

Content ©2006-2025 Kings Norton and South Birmingham Schools' Football Association