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Aston, Erdington, Saltley & Sutton Schools' Football Association





The rules attached are derived in conjunction with the Standard Code of Rules for Youth Football (SCORY), which has been adapted by a National Working Group of ESFA Members to be applicable to football organised by affiliated Districts of the ESFA


All matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as determined by the International Football Association Board. The Competitions shall be managed by (e.g. the executive committee of the Association and shall only be open to those schools affiliated to the Association. This Competitions and each team must make every effort to promote equality by treating people fairly and with respect by recognising that inequalities may exist, by taking steps to address them. them. Alll participants must abide by the ESFA and The Football Association Regulations for Safeguarding Children.

U12 Aston League Division One                          U12 Aston League Division Two

U13 Aston Division One                                                     U13 Aston Division Two

U14 Aston Division One                                                    U14 Aston Division Two

U15 Aston Division One                                                    U15 Aston Division Two

U16 Aston Division. One

U12 Erdington DivisionOne.                                              U12 Erdington Division Two

U13 Erdington Division One                                             U13  Erdington Division Two

U14 Erdington Division One                                             U14 Aston Erdington Two

U15 Erdington Division One                                             U15 Erdington Division Two

U16 Erdington Division One

U19 Aston & Erdington League and Cup

OU12 Aston Cup                                                                   U13 Aston Cup 

U14 Aston Cup                                                                   U15 Aston Cup

U16 Aston Cup

U12 Erdington Cup                                                             U13 Erdington Cup

U14 Erdington Cup                                                            U15 Erdington Cup

U16 Erdington Cup                                                            U18 Aston & Erdington Cup

U12 Super Cup Play Off                                                    U13 Super Cup Play Off

U14 Super Cup Play Off                                                    U15 Super Cup Play Off

U16 Super Cup Play Off


All District  representative teams must register all team personnel with the ESFA as a requirement of the affiliation. This information must be registered with the ESFA as part of the affiliation process, prior to affiliation being approved. All District  representative teams must be under the ultimate control of either:                                                                         i) A practicing teacher, recognised as such by the Department for Education, current employee of education service OR                                                                                                                              (ii) A retired teacher, or past employee of the education service or an AOTT who has received direct approval in writing from the appropriate Local or County Schools’ Football Association to undertake such responsibilities. All personnel involved must comply with ESFA safeguardingrequirements


Protests arising from Competitions/Leagues organised for schools by Aston Erdington & Saltley SFA] shall be submitted to the Management Committee in line with the ESFA policy for protests, as published in the ESFA Handbook. 

A report on any incident involving the caution or dismissal of a player should be sent in writing to the General Secretary / Section Secretary as soon as possible after the match. The Management Committee will decide on the appropriate action to take to discipline the player. Any incident not covered explicitly in these rules will be dealt with by the Management Committee at its discretion. Spectators are the responsibility of the school they attend.


The trophy is the property of the Aston Erdington & Saltley  SFA

16 Medals and mementoes shall be provided for all finalists and league champions,



These rules may be altered only at a General Meeting of the Association in accordance with the rules governing that General Meeting

Dissolution of the Competition/League shall be by resolution approved at a general meeting in accordance with the constitution of the Competition/League.




Players who are under six years of age on 1st September in any playing season shall not be allowed to participate in Competitions/Leagues sanctioned by ESFA/CSFA. A child who has not attained the age of ten years at midnight between 31 August and 1 September shall not play and shall not be permitted or encouraged to play in a match between sides of more than seven players in that playing season. The relevant age for each Player is determined by his or her age as at midnight on 31 August of the relevant Playing Season. Up to and including Under 15s (Year 10),  players must not play, and shall not be permitted or encouraged to play in a match where any other player is older or younger by two years or more than that child. 

Mixed-gender matches shall be played in line with current FA regulations


A player may only play for the School or College he/she is currently attending and onwhose roll he/she appears at the time of the game in which he/she is playing. 

For representative football, only full time students in attendance at a school within the approved geographic boundaries of the Association are eligible for selection for representative sides)



Age Group


Extra Time   Size of Ball




Under 12   9 V 9

2 X 30 (Min 20)

2 X 7                  4

Under 13   11 v 11

2 x 35 (Min 25)

2 x 7                   4

Under 14   11 v 11

2 x 35 (Min 25)

2 x 10                 4

Under 15   11v 11

2 x 35 (Min 25)

2 x 10                 5

Under 16   11 v 11 

2 x 40 (Min 25)

2 x 10                 5

Under 19  11 v 11

2 x 45 (Min 25)

2 x 15                5




Players participating in this league/competition must wear shin protection. And all items of jewellery must be removed before the start of a game.

Goal keepers must wear colours which differentiate them from other players and no team should play in black.In the event of a clash in colours the home team should change.



Match duration shall be  see above tabe

Except by permission of the Management Committee all Competition Matches/League fixtures must beplayed/ by the closing date set for the playing of a specific set of matches)] but priority shall be given to ESFA and parent County Schools’ Association Cup Competitions. All other matches must be considered secondary. Teams may mutually agree to bring forward a Competition Match/League with the consent of the General /Section) Secretary.

Precedence of matches

1.     E.S.F.A.

2.    W.M.M.C.S.F.A. Inter-Association.

3.    W.M.M.C.S.F.A. Individual Schools.

4.    B.S.S.F.

5.    Aston Erdington and Saltley District Cups.

6.    League Games.





The Management Committee shall have power to decide whether a pitch and/or facilities are suitable for Competition/League Matches and to order the team concerned to play its Competition/League Matches on another ground. Football Turf Pitches (3G) are allowed in this Competition/League provided they meet therequired performance standards and are listed on the FA’s Register of Football Turf Pitches.

‘Repeated’ substitutions are allowed in all Competitions/Leagues up to and including the Under 18 age group. In 9v9 and 11v11 matches, teams are permitted to use 5 substitutes from five named players. In small-sided matches: Indoor 5-a-side - 3 named substitutes 7-a-side - 3 named substitutes 

Postponements (insert arrangements for seeking and agreeing postponements)


Advised pitch sixes /goals

School Year Group

Maximum Permitted Format

Minimum pitch Size

Maximum pitch Size

Recommended goal sizes in feet

Ball size





Year 2


30 x 20

27.45 x 18.3

40 x 30

36.3 x 27.45

12 x 6


Year 3


30 x 20

27.45 x 18.3

40 x 30

36.3 x 27.45

12 x 6


Year 4


50 x 30

45.75 x 27.45

60 x 40

54.9 x 36.6

12 x 6


Year 5


50 x 30

45.75 x 27.45

60 x 40

54.9 x 36.6

12 x 6


Year 6


70 x 40

64 x 36.6

80 x 50

73.15 x 45.75

16 x 7


Year 7


70 x 40

64 x 36.6

80 x 50

73.15 x 45.75

16 x 7


Year 8


90 x 50

82.3 x 45.75

100 x 60

91.44 x 54.9

21 x 7


Year 9


90 x 50

82.3 x 45.75

100 x 60

91.44 x 54.9

21 x 7


Year 10


90 x 50

82.3 x 45.75

110 x 70

100.58 x 64

24 x 8


Year 11


90 x 50

82.3 x 45.75

110 x 70

100.58 x 64

24 x 8


Year 12


100 x 50

91.44 x 45.75

130 x 100

118.87 x 91.44

24 x 8


Year 13


100 x 50

91.44 x 45.75

130 x 100

118.87 x 91.44

24 x 8





Claiming Games :League games should  only be claimed in extenuating circumstances during the last two weeks of the Spring Term. No school should enter the result for a claimed game. The responsibility remains with the General Secretary / Section Secretary.  Schools wishing to claim a game have  to contact the General Secretary / Section Secretary ,stating reasons why,with copies of emails / documentation sent , to  prove attempts had been made to play the game, as well as informing the opposition via email, otherwise games would be left unplayed.  All claimed games are to  be entered 1 – 0  by the General Secretary / Section Secretary. For Cup games documentation is necessary before a decision can be made.

Results (i) They should be emailed or inputted onto the web site within two weeks in the case of league games, or they may be declared void.

(ii) Cup results should be emailed or inputted onto the web site  as soon as they are played. Any games not played could  result in both teams being withdrawn, unless an extension has been granted by the General Secretary / Section Secretary

(iii) Venues for league games are decided by opposing schools not by the the first named team on the fixture list.

(iv) Cup games cannot be accepted as a league result unless there are extenuating circumstances.

(vi) No match score to go past 9 goals

In the case of iv permission needs to be granted by the General Secretary / Section Secretary

Rearranged Games These should be rearranged by the schools at their earliest convenience.Schools must be informed of any postponement at least two days in advance of the match, unless due to extenuating circumstances. Failure to do so could result in the game being forfeit

The onus is on both schools  to confirm games. Due to schools only playing one another once in the league the the venue  is negotiated between competing schools.

Failure to turn up for a game can result in forfeit of the game




Team rankings within the Competition/League may be decided by points with three points to be awarded for a win and one point for a drawn and one point for playing thegame . The teams gaining the highest number of points in their respective divisions at the end of the Playing Season shall be adjudged the winners. Competition/League Matches must not be played for double points.

In the event of two or more Teams being equal on points the highest placed team shall be decided as follows:

Result(s) of match(es) between the teams concerned.

Most games won 

The league is shared with each team keeping the Trophy for six months

Goals scored , goal difference will not count in this respect 

A team must complete three quarters of its fixtures to win a league





Registered referees for all Competition/League matches shall be appointed in a manner approved by the Management Committee. Referees between the ages of 14 and 16 are only eligible to officiate in competitions where the Players’ age band is at least one year younger than the age of the referee. In cases where there are no officially appointed Match Officials in attendance, the home side must provide  a refereewho shall have the full powers, status and authority of a registered referee .Where assistant referees are not appointed each Team shall provide an assistant referee. All match officials must wear full kit

Th General Secretary / Section Secretaries are responsible for arranging the final at a venue of their choice and provide suitable officials . Medals and a Trophy will be made available by the General Secretary / Section Secretary. The champions of each section will then play each other in a final arranged by the General Secretary / Section Secretaries at Bodymoor Heath or a suitable venue. Medals will be available for both finalists as well as a trophy for the winning team



These must be in the hands of the  General Secretary by the last school day of the April/May Half-Term..Draws for District Cup will be done automatically by the web site .

All member schools should pay an affiliation fee of £ 40:00 prior to the start of the season



Aston Erdington  Saltley & Sutton Schools  Football Association
Code of Conduct
Players Should


  • Make every attempt to develop their ability, techniques and understanding of tactics

  • Set a positive example to others when representing school or district teams

  • Avoid all gamesmanship and time wasting

  • Never use foul or abusive language

  • Accept success and failure, victory and defeat equally and do not over react when a good is scored

  • Treat all team players, opponents, coaches and officials with respect at all time

  • Develop self control and never deliberately foul or provoke an opponent

  • Accept all decisions of the match officials without protest

  • Learn and follow the laws of the game


Team Managers Should
  • Put the well being and safety of players above all other considerations

  • Display high standards of behaviour and appearance and be a good role model for all the players in your care

  • Take responsibility for your supporters and encourage them to display a sportsman like attitude

  • Guide and encourage the players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance

  • Be professional and use acceptable and appropriate language at all times

  • Treat officials with respect and accept all decisions without protest at all times

  • Respect and uphold the Laws of the game and discourage actions and behaviour contrary to the spirit of the laws


Parents and Supporters Should


  • Respect all decisions made by the match officials

  • Avoid coaching players during the game

  • Respect and abide by the managers team selection and decisions

  • Be a good role model by positively supporting teams in every way possible and be generous with praise encouraging all players during games

  • Never use foul, abusive, threatening language towards match officials, team managers or players

  • Never behave in a threatening manner towards match officials, team managers or players

  • Accept victory modestly and defeat graciously

                                         CHILD WELFARE POLICY

The English Schools’ FA is consciously aware of the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for the thousands of young people who play soccer within the family of ESFA.

The English Schools’ FA has consistently sought advice from The Football Association’s Equity Department, and these discussions and the requirements laid down by The FA have formed the basis of the policy that has been developed over a number of years.

To view the policy document go to www.esfa.co.uk/childwelfare


Content ©2007-2025 Aston, Erdington, Saltley & Sutton Schools' Football Association