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Aston, Erdington, Saltley & Sutton Schools' Football Association

WELCOME TO THE ASTON, ERDINGTON, SALTLEY & SUTTON SCHOOLS F.A. WEB SITE. For Birmingham Individual Schools competitions log onto www.footiemag.net/bssf. For West Midlands District Tables log onto www.footiemag.net/wmcsfa. For Divisional cup draws/ results log onto www.footiemag.net/bhdsfa. For National competitions log onto competitions@esfa.co.uk For any other information please contact Pete Mortiboys : mortiboys.p@sky.com CHILD WELFARE POLICY The English Schools’ FA is consciously aware of the importance of providing a safe and secure environment for the thousands of young people who play soccer within the family of ESFA. The English Schools’ FA has consistently sought advice from The Football Association’s Equity Department, and these discussions and the requirements laid down by The FA have formed the basis of the policy that has been developed over a number of years. To view the policy document go to www.esfa.co.uk/childwelfare
The Holyfields Centre Club - Telephone 0121 373 1018


Content ©2007-2025 Aston, Erdington, Saltley & Sutton Schools' Football Association