Other FootieMag.net Sites >
Birmingham Schools' Football Association


Listed below are some useful links to other football related web sites.

The English Football Association - http://www.TheFA.com
The official site for the latest news and issues affecting English Football.

The English Schools' Football Association - http://www.esfa.co.uk
The official site for the latest news and issues affecting English Schools' football.

The West Midlands County Schools' Football Association - http://www.footiemag.net/wmcsfa
The official site for the latest news and issues affecting West Midlands Schools' Football Association.

The Football Foundation - http://www.footballfoundation.org.uk
The UK's largest sports charity providing investment into grass roots of football.

The Referees' Association - http://www.footballreferee.org
The official site for all the latest news and views about Refereeing.
Find out how you too can become a registered referee.

Acme Whistles - http://www.acmewhistles.co.uk
Ever wanted to know where referee's whistles are made?
With over 125 years experience Acme whistles can be found in tournaments the world over.

Content ©2007-2025 Birmingham Schools' Football Association